France Investigation, a team of professionals for your enquiries in Paris

Declared at the « Prefecture de Police » since 1989, France Investigation agency, established in Paris, managed by Jean C. Schmitt, has more than 20 years of experience.

Professional detectives for any confidential assignments

A team of professionals, whose knowledge guarantees efficiency, is at your disposal for all types of confidential assignments.

Subject to professional confidentiality (as defined by article 226-13 of the French Penal Code) our agents are able to deliver affidavits to support certified detailed reports, admissible in all types of proceedings and in front of all courts.

With a worldwide network of professional investigators available to us, we are able to carry out enquiries globally in support of our clients’ rights and interests.

France Investigation: a worldwide network

france-investigation_certification-snarpPrésident d’Honneur
Past President

Syndicat National des Agents de Recherches Privées

france-investigation_certification-wadAmbassadeur France
France Ambassador

World Association of Detectives

france-investigation_certification-abiMembre Étranger
Overseas Member

Association of British Investigators

france-investigation_certification-ikdDélégué pour la France
France Delegate

International Federation of Associations of Private Detectives